Farmers Mutual was founded by a group of German farmers in 1899. From our beginning, in Okarche, we have enjoyed a steady growth over the years and have become recognized as one of the leading companies in the area. We have earned our reputation for professionalism due to the special attention given to the needs, requirements, and details of our clients. Farmers Mutual operates as a corporation under the laws of the State of Oklahoma.

The Early Years
The company is Oklahoma’s pioneer insurance organization, to which several other small, similar insurance companies were later merged. Originally, all policies and applications were printed in German and membership was limited to persons who could speak and write that language. The first name of the company was German Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company and the word “German” remained in the name for 40 years, though that membership requirement had been dropped some years earlier.
In 1909 the association’s president was authorized to journey to the State Capitol in Guthrie Oklahoma to investigate the incorporation of the company. State regulation was soon to require such incorporation. Six years later, in 1915, the Company became incorporated.
The Early Years (cont.)
In 1910 membership was extended to non-German speaking applicants. Meeting notices and other publications, for many years thereafter, were made in both German and English languages. The old minutes of the Company, written in German, were translated in recent years from the original text.
In 1912 insured’s paid a premium rate of 50 cents per $100.00 of insurance. In 2004 the majority of the insured’s pay as little as 70 cents per $100.00 of insurance.
The year 1913 brought “Women’s Lib” to the organization. It was officially decreed that married women who insured their property with the Company should be considered full-fledged members. In the early years when excessive loss claims could have caused undue hardship, much cooperation was expected from the members in reducing fire risk exposure. Early by-laws stated every policyholder of the Company was required to have at least one substantial ladder of sufficient length to enable him to climb upon the roof of any building insured.

Farmers Today
The Company has seven board members, five of which are elected by the members. The company is divided into five district areas throughout Oklahoma. From the agents in each district OK applications are sent to the homeoffice in Okarche. We offer Homeowners, Casualty and a 5-year term Fire & E.C.(extended coverage) policy with additional coverages, which can be added through endorsements, and may be renewed annually by payment of the premium.The policies cover mostly rural properties and properties located in all towns and cities in our counties of operation. The policies exclude any commercial business risk.
The Future
With many successful years of operation, the company is a financially strong independent company and is re-insured with an A-Rated reinsurance company. As of 2020 the total assets of the Company were 18.7 million and the policyholder equity was 13.36 million. Our insurance is available in 67 counties with 203 agents
throughout the State of Oklahoma area. The company continues the goals of service and protection from monetary loss as set by its organizers and looks confidently to the future.

Our main office is located at 217 West Oklahoma Ave. in Okarche, Oklahoma.
Our Office Staff
Our office staff keep things running smooth. With an average employment time of 17 years with us, it is safe to say, they know their stuff.
Our Adjusters in the field
Our adjusters have just as much experience as the office staff. They are there when you need them. Responding promply and getting your claim settled and get you on with your life.